Foster Care Application Form APPLICANT DETAILS Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Occupation Your Phone Your Address Employment status Full TimePart TimeWorking from homestudentRetired Are you over 18 years old? YesNo HOME DETAILS What type of housing do you live in Landed houseApartmentflatcondo Do you have a fenced-in garden?(If applying to foster a dog.) YesNo If not, how will you exercise the dog? (If applying to foster a dog.) How many people live in your household EXPERIENCE Have you previously, or do you currently foster any animals? YesNo Why do you want to foster? What pets do you currently own? (multi select) dogcatothersI do not have a pet If you currently own a pet(s) are they sociable with other animals YesNoMaybeI'm not sure If you currently own a dog or cat, are they kept indoors/outdoors? Always indoorsAlways outdoorsMostly indoorsMostly Outdoors If you currently own a pet(s), is it spayed/neutered? YesNoI'm not sure Do you have any professional experience with animals? (Dog training, vet care, vet nursing, grooming, etc)* Yes I have experienceMinor experienceNo experience >Have you administered medication to cats or dogs? Yes, alwaysSometimesNo Who will be the primary caretaker of your foster(s)? FOSTER ANIMALS Please tell us which animals you are willing to foster (multi select) cats onlydogs onlydogs & catsall animalsUnderage/underweight kittensUnderage/underweight puppiesCat with nursing kittensDog with nursing puppiesUnderweight animalsSick animalsAnimals recovering from surgeryBehaviour modification animals What length of time would you prefer to foster animal(s) for? Will you be able to keep the foster animal(s) separated from your own pets if required? YesNoI'm not sure Who will help you to care for the foster animal(s) when you are away or temporarily not available? (secondary helper) Details of the area where you will keep foster animals while YOU ARE AT HOME Details of the area where you will keep foster care animal(s) while you are ARE NOT AT HOME OTHER INFORMATION Does anyone in the household have allergies? YesNoI'm not sure How often do you travel? Are you planning a vacation in the near future? Are you willing to cover the costs of caring for a foster dog except for medical expenses? YesNoPartial Are there any factors that may limit your foster work? Any special message you need us to know Check here to state you have read and agree to Canine Cares Privacy & Policy Note: We will inform you if you are selected to join any of our fostering programs.